Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thank You Cox Family!

Our six week series of Return to the Garden study ended this past Sunday night. So, to celebrate and recap everything that God has done in us over this period of time, Christie and Wade Cox had all of us girls over for dinner. They were so sweet to open their beautiful home up to a bunch girls who are full of energy and leave nothing to be said. We ate LOTS of pizza and too many sweet, played silly games, and learned some things about each other that we neeeeever knew...... We had such a great time, and we really are SO thankful at the place God has brought each of us. Each season in our lives look completely different, but the cool thing is that God NEVER leaves where we're at. No matter who we are, what we've done, or where we've been. He meets us exactly where we are, picks us up, and takes us through an adventure of life what we could experience on our own.

Thank you so much, Christie, for your sweet, motherly heart and your hospitality. And Wade, thank you for allowing 30 girls to invade your house for a couple of hours..... hope we didn't leave too many hormones behind. We love yall and words can not express how blessed we are to have you apart of our lives. You are such a vital part of this ministry, and we could not do it without you. Thanks again and we love you!

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