Saturday, January 31, 2009

Prayer Breakfast

We had a great time this morning eating a delicious breakfast and fellowshiping with a handful of Godly moms who are opening up their lives to mentor and disciple us; so that we have the opportunity to see Godly marriages, parenting, relationships, ect at a first hand glance. We cant thank yall enough for offering up much of your time to pour into us. All of you are such a blessing and much needed in each of our lives. We love You!

"Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty works." Psalms 145:4

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Thursday

"God never denies our heart's desires,
except to give us something better."

Candice and Matt

Candice and Matt were married Saturday, January 24, 2009. We are so proud of yall and are so blessed by what God has joined together. Congratulations Candice and Matt. We love you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Little Science Lessson

Laughter: medicine to the heart
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22

Gelotology is the study of humor and laughter. Gelotologist have found that studies truly show that laughter protects the heart. When your body begins to cave under small amounts of stress a hormone called serum cortisol is secreted. When this hormone is produced and passes through the body, the lining of the blood vessels become impaired....or damaged. Where is blood produced? The heart. Therefore, the more stress increases in your life; the bigger risk you may face with heart attacks and heart diseases. Test show that deep, heartfelt laughter decreases the secretion of this hormone.

Give your stress over to Jesus today by finding joy and laughter...your heart and spirit will be strengthed.

The joy of the Lord is our strength!

Africa Update

Matthew 28:19
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
During the Christmas holidays, two of our team members went to Africa to spend two and half weeks sharing the gospel and disciplining new believers who had recently been saved during their previous trip over the Summer. Tyler and Rebeca have such a heart for the lost and their passion "to go ye" is uncontainable. They have made such an impact on the lives of the people in the Kenya area and are in the process of planning another trip to go back in the month of November. Thank you so much for your help in sponsoring their trip and sowing into each life that was touched. With your generous giving, they were able to provide nearly eight thousand meals and bless children of the orphanages with a first time experience of pizza and a coke. The meals that were distributed nearly multiplied and provided three months worth of left over food for the children of the orphanage and the people of a local church to enjoy. We appreciate your prayers and can not wait to return. The pastor pictured above standing in between Tyler and Rebeca has not only decided to partner with us in our mission to save the lost in Africa, but he has partnered with our ministry by praying and seeking God on behalf of Whosoever Ministries. Pastor William is a pastor right outside of Kenya and found our blog through surfing the web. Through browsing the Whosoever Woman blog, he quickly became aware of the movement taking place in Birmingham. He began emailing us and telling us his heart and desire to partner with us. We exchanged encouraging emails back and forth for nearly two weeks when Rebeca and Tyler made their decision to plan another trip Africa. We quickly informed Pastor William that part of our team was heading out there; and he made arrangements to meet up with them during their two weeks of travel. Pastor William traveled three hours just to meet with Tyler and Rebeca and assisted them in sharing the gospel. Isn't God cool? He'll lay bigger connections in your lap than you could pray for.

Pastor William, you're such a God sent blessing. We are so blessing by your heart and desire to be apart of our lives here in Birmingham. Thank you for heart and eagerness to serve with us across the world.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cozy Up! He is ABLE

Happy Saturday!

We pray that whatever you're going through or whatever this week threw at you; you are able to kick up your heals over a cup of coffee and rest in the peace of heart and mind that GOD IS ABLE! HE IS IN CONTROL. The same God that keeps the this world spinning on its axis is ABLE to CONTROL all your situations. Nothing is too hard for Him. Rest UP!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Making the Most....

.......of Every Season
Due to the unbearable weather the past week and a half, some of our girls were inspired to enjoy the below freezing temperature in some snow. After the leadership meeting last Friday night, we loaded up two big SUVs and headed to Atlanta to do a little snow tubing. We packed our snow pants and jackets, thick boots, mittens, and a hat and hit the "slopes"...or most like it HILLS . For such a random activity for the South, we had a blast and highly recommend anyone looking for something fun to do over a weekend to enjoy it. It was a fun, cheap weekend. While waiting in the lines to head to the top, we met lots of friends that will accompanying us at the Basement in the next few Tuesdays. When you get twelve girls together who are IN LOVE with Jesus and not ashamed of telling about it, the whole park will either know Jesus or know about the Basement so they can come experience Him to get to know Him.

As we were heading to dinner before our 9:00PM reservations, it REALLY began to snow. Not just a flurry here and there, but it SNOWED. See how good God is? It may seem small and insignificant, but He wanted our trip to be more fun than we planned on. And it definitely was. If youd like to take a trip over to Snow Mountain here is the link......check it out. ITS FUN!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keep on Truckin

"He who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion."
Philippians 1:6

God is at work in each of our lives this very second. We may not feel Him, we may not hear Him, but He promises that the work He began in us will be completed. He longs to complete His good work in us and through us. Notice His word says "good." He didn't just promise to do a work, but a good one. Some of us are struggling right now with waiting on this process to show it's face. Hold tightly and cling to this promise. He is faithful and His word is true. We want our work to be completed, not partially finished. Every day is a part of our story. Don't settle for a half-finished story or testimony. Endure to completion.

Are you on track to fulfilling His calling or "work" in your life. Or have gotten frustrated and compromised? Are you going to have to confess one day that "it was too difficult" or "I didn't have enough energy"or "I was offended." James 1:4 encourages us to let endurance have its PERFECT result so that we are complete and lacking in nothing. Push on and allow God to give you His good and perfect calling, not one that is compromised and mediocre.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just a Reminder

Sorry we just realized that the video is not working.

Have it fixed shortly!

Basically...HE IS KING!

Tonight 6:30PM

Monday, January 19, 2009

Skyline Review

Saturday night we headed out to downtown to a club in Birmingham to hang out, worship, and meet new people. Yes, a club. A club that consisted of Jesus! We, as a ministry and followers of Christ, are extremely aware of what we are up against in reaching this generation. If kids or young adults are not in church, then most likely; they're spending most of their time on the weekends in the clubs and bars. If not in the club scene, then they're probably searching for something to do on the weekends. Our goal and desire is provide an atmosphere similar to one that "appeals" to these kids to give them somewhere to hang out at on the weekends. The day is coming where Jesus and worship music is going to be the cool way to "club," and we're here do something about it. Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us this weekend. We had a ball fellowshippig, eating, and worshipping with you.

Keep in touch for the next date for

Friday, January 16, 2009

Glimpse of True Compassion

"Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out His hand and touched Him."

Mark 1:41

Tuesday night at the Basement a precious little boy around the age of five years old changed the hearts of just about everyone who had the privilege of encountering him. This little boy had some physical challenges, but the innocence of his heart and the pureness of his spirit drew people to the heart of Jesus. Jesus had a heart for the sick and the hurting. And He spent most of his ministry ministering and healing people who were suffering in pain.

One of our leadership girls, along with many others saw the little boy in the lobby after the Basement. Their hearts immediately boiled with compassion and love. The eyes of this little boy brought the girls to their knees in order to wrap their arms around him and begin to pray for him. The same power that brought Jesus from the dead is alive and active in us. Therefore, their spirits were longing to see this child healed. Regardless the way God decides to show His faithfulness to us through this, lives have all ready been changed and greatly effected from one small moment with one small child.

Join us Tomorrow Night

Whosoever Ministries "Unashamed"
Saturday Night
Scott's Koney's Downtown
2021 3rd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL.
*Live Band

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sweet Treat

Yummy Pretzel Treats
Trying to find something to fill the gaps in your weekend? These little treats are SO easy and fun to make. They taste good too. Grab some girls or even your mom, daughter, or sister and fellowship over pretzels and some sprinkles. Where do you being? Well.......

Buy some
Roll about three-fourths of the pretzel in

Roll peanut buttered pretzel in Almond Bark

Let dry for just a second and sprinkle on top your choice of Colored Sprinkles


Then you have THESE

You can be as creative as you want. Surprise a friend, a co-worker, a family member, a spouse, or even a difficult person to love.

Tips: Use 2 different pieces of wax paper.

1) One long piece for pretzels to lay on when wet and dry

2) Use the other one for the sprinkles to fall onto so you aren't wasting all your sprinkles. Try not to the let the almond bark drip on this piece or your sprinkles will stick together and you will not be able to pour them back in the container.

Happy Baking and Happy FRIDAY

Sowing Seeds

John 10:10 tells us that God desires for each one of us to live and walk in life abundantly. We desire that too, but very few of us can admit to living such a lifestyle of fullness through abundance and increase. We get so wrapped up in the lies the enemy feeds into our head. You're not pretty enough, you'll never meet the one, you're not smart enough, God will never use you, you will never walk in financial freedom, you're too fat, you've messed up, you missed God, He will never speak to you, you'll never get that job, the lies go on. Why is it so easy to believe one lie instead of numerous truths and promises that God whispers in our ear all day long. In order to reap abundant life, we must learn to sow into abundant life, God's Word, over the enemy's word.

"We are going to believe and become what we rehearse."

Therefore, we can either believe God's promises and start walking in it. Or we can continue to rehearse the one lie Satan that has been dangling over our head and never experience the life God desires for us to have. Take one scripture or one promise and begin to sow into that by rehearsing it over and over again. You will then begin believing it, walking in it, and reaping a life of increase and abundance. HAPPY THURSDAY!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

True Picture of Worship

Let the words of this song consume your heart this week. Most of us desire so badly to do nothing but please God. We please Him most when we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. What does that look like?

Worship is defined as:

extravagant respect of admiration for an object


devotion to an object

What are we giving our devotion to?

What do we admire more than we admire God?

Work? School? Friends? Cars? Home? Kids? Spouse? Relationship? Material things? Food? Internet? Church? Ministry? Exercising? Sports?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Have Just One Question

Have you ever been around a small toddler that has a MILLION questions? And not just a question or two here or there, but all day long you get asked the question "Why?" No matter how you answer the question, there is always a "why" that proceeds out of that little mouth. They want to know everything! If you haven't experience a conversation such as, then God is sparing you from lots of border-line patience and frustration. If you have been a victim from the mini-culprits, you may have a deeper understand of how the Lord feels when He is bogged down with all the questions we pose for Him about every circumstance in our lives. Lord, why did you let that happen? Why don't I have a bigger house? Why haven't you allowed the "one" to come into my life? Why did you make me go through that? Why are my family members sick? Why do I only have two children? Why do I have this disease? Why don't I have more money? Why did my husband loose his job? Why cant I get a job? Why? Why? Why? Why? Instead of asking God SO many questions about everything that is going on in your life, trust that He knows what He is doing. He is working out all things for our good. Is it wrong to ask Him questions, NO! However, questioning God is displaying very little faith. If we trusted that every decision that He decides to make for our life is for our good, then we wouldn't be so inquisitive all the time.
Lets try to avoid giving God looks like these and trust that He is in total control of our life. Hes making the BEST decisions for you right now. Think of it this way....if we could see the big picture like He does, we would make the same choices for ourselves. But since we cant and only HE can, we seem to think we know the best decisions for our current place in life. God looks at the big picture of each of our lives, and His orchestrates our paths according to what will benefit us in the big picture. Our ways are NOT his. So lets trust that He knows whats BEST. We all want and desire the best, so why not just move out of the way, let Him work, so we can receive it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Verse A Day....

Keeps the ENEMY away......
So many of us desire to know God's word intensely and apply it to our daily lives. It is not an easy thing to do. The enemy will steal our time, our focus, our motivation, etc. to keep us from gaining the ONE thing that helps us fight against him. If you are walking with the Lord and live your day to day schedule to making His name known.....the enemy is after you! When your feet hit the floor every morning, you are stepping into a new day on the battle field. Scripture tells us that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers and dark forces. What better way to fight this battle than with a weapon that is sharper than any two-edge sword.... God's Word. If you are making a better attempt or striving to learn more of God's word, here are a couple options that may help motivate or help strengthen the weapon that is necessary in battling this thing called life.
Bath Crayons
Most of us shower every day, if not, every other day...hopefully. Therefore, buy some cheap bath crayons at Wal-Mart, they should be in the bubble bath section, and write a verse or two on your shower wall. While your shampooing your hair, read these verses over and over again. Before long, these verses will be engraved on the tablet of your heart and ready to be used in the moment the enemy tries to attack.
Spiral Note Cards
Notecards can be taken with you everywhere. Put them in your purse and pull out the verses at any point of your day...... red lights, grocery store lines, treadmill, watching TV, etc.....
Dry Ease Markers
Write a verse on your mirror in your bathroom. We spend at least an hour or more in front of it every day...what better way to put on your make-up or straighten your hair while reading a short verse or two.

How much more effective could we all be if we made a more conscious effort to study God's word and apply it to our day. Try it and see how it works for you.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Bringing in 2009

Worship, Fellowship, Food, and Games
Special New Years Company
We had an extra special New Years with our awesome friends from Virginia. Terri, Mary Ruth, Carrie, and Dave traveled 12 hours on WHEELS to be with us this week. For of those of you who are not familar with these wonderful people, these ladies serve on staff for the 700 club and David is a youth pastor in DC. They have been such a blessing not only to the ministry, but to our lives. They arrived in Birmingham Saturday night and headed back early Thursday morning. They simply came to visit us for a vacation, which allowed a lot of one-on-one time with each of them. Those of us who were able to spend quality time with them were extremely blessed by their wisdom and love for the Lord. Each of them are deeply rooted by their love for Christ, and their compassion and devotion to making His name known is inspiring and encouraging. We love yall! We're looking forward to spending more time with you soon.
Tuesday Night News Clip