Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

Captain Hook
Cat in the Hat
Peter Pan
Sleepy Sheep
In case you were stumped about which costume to throw on for tonight, we thought we'd help you out by suggesting some ideas. Hope everyone is having a HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Eat lots of candy and stay safe.

What a Week!

Working on the Set
Final Product
Worshipping with Terri and Mary
What a fun/busy/sleepless weekend we had as a ministry! From painting and building a stage set to entertaining and spending precious time with our new friends from Virginia. Speaking on behalf of most of the Basement team, sleep was NOT apart of our schedules this weekend. Tuesday night was our Halloween Bash and our first filming with God TV. Therefore, our entire team was put to work with so much to do and get ready for. Thursday afternoon part of our team gathered at the church to begin working on the set for the stage. They aimlessly worked every day up to the night of the service. God has chosen some the most dedicated, hard-working, self-sacrificing people to make Tuesday nights possible. We love our team and believe we have the BEST of the BEST....from security and nursery to Matt and the drama team. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sacrificing so much of yourselves and allowing the Lord to use you to make His purpose prevail.

In the midst of the busyness, we had some awesome guest come in town from Virginia. Terri Simmons and Mary Goochee , from the 700 Club, took off work and drove eleven hours to come hang out with us crazy Birmingham, Basement people. They were such a blessing, and words can not describe how much we enjoyed their company. We sent them off on Wednesday morning and instantly began to brainstorm the quickest way to get them to Birmingham....permanently :-). We miss both of them so much already and look forward to our next visit together. They pour much of their time and their hearts in serving CBN, and we are so honored to walk along side them while enhancing the Kingdom and loving God's people together. Mary and Terri, we love you so much and can not wait to see you again. Thank you for sharing your time and your hearts with us. We were say the least.

And again, thank you to the Basement Team and Basement family. It is a privileged to serve you and serve with you. We love you so much!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tonight at 5PM

Join us tonight for a study on how to love people and God the way He created us to. The Lord's first command for His people is to love Him and to love others. If we love God with our whole heart, whole mind, and whole soul; loving people should come naturally....its hard though isn't it? So tonight at 5pm in the sanctuary of Clay Ridge Baptist Church, we will join Beth Moore to study God's Word about love.

This is a four week study. Therefore, the next 4 Sundays we will be gathering at Clay Ridge at 5pm to continue to study the true meaning of love.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008


......coming soon
Return to the Garden Study
High Fly Conference
Bare with us:

Journey Through Revelations

After the High Fly Conference on Saturday night, about 45 of us packed up and traveled to Pell City for Revelation Walk. We had a great time not only spending most of the night with one another, but we all left a little more enlighten about what will take place to non-believers when Jesus comes back for us. For most people, Revelations is hard book to dive into. Therefore, a lot of us lack knowledge in that area of God's word. Every scripture is God breathed, but as followers of Christ, we could be so much more effective in reaching the lost if we were better equipped in knowing the consequences of refusing live for God. We don't have it all figured out and never will till we reach our destiny, Heaven. But, we were able to catch a glimpse of what non-believers will experience when Jesus comes to get us, and do not want to be left behind.

If you're interested here is a link to Eden Westside Baptist Church who puts on the walk

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thank You Cox Family!

Our six week series of Return to the Garden study ended this past Sunday night. So, to celebrate and recap everything that God has done in us over this period of time, Christie and Wade Cox had all of us girls over for dinner. They were so sweet to open their beautiful home up to a bunch girls who are full of energy and leave nothing to be said. We ate LOTS of pizza and too many sweet, played silly games, and learned some things about each other that we neeeeever knew...... We had such a great time, and we really are SO thankful at the place God has brought each of us. Each season in our lives look completely different, but the cool thing is that God NEVER leaves where we're at. No matter who we are, what we've done, or where we've been. He meets us exactly where we are, picks us up, and takes us through an adventure of life what we could experience on our own.

Thank you so much, Christie, for your sweet, motherly heart and your hospitality. And Wade, thank you for allowing 30 girls to invade your house for a couple of hours..... hope we didn't leave too many hormones behind. We love yall and words can not express how blessed we are to have you apart of our lives. You are such a vital part of this ministry, and we could not do it without you. Thanks again and we love you!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Sunday October 26 we will start another series by Beth Moore called "Loving Well." Still at Clay Ridge at 5:00 p.m. Hope all you girls will come out as we learn how to love ALL people! :) *Lifeway has the journals for $6-totally optional though.

Purity is so precious to Jesus & be encouraged that purity is something you can
Never forget that ya'll are fearfully & wonderfully made & know that what you are TRULY worth is not by people's opinions but by the absolute truth of God's Word! Trust the one who will never fail you!!! We LOVE you girls!!!


..............this Saturday night at High Fly Cheer Center from 6-8pm. High Fly is located off of HWY 11 on the right at the deerfoot intersection. Amy Braden, owner and founder of High Fly, will be sharing her testimony and many of the Basement girl leaders will be sharing some words of encouragement as well. Meaning.....its going to be lots of fun and a great opporunity to connect and fellowship with girls of all ages. Hope to see you there. If you have any questions please email us

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Newlywed

Congratulations to both Hollands!
Some of you may recognize this beautiful face from the Sanctify counter on Tuesday nights at the Basement or that handsome groom in the driver seat may look a little familiar. Caylan Holland is extremely faithful and dedicated through serving the Basement every Tuesday through selling our Sanctify gear. And Tyler Holland is the brother of Casey "Byrd" "DJ Slimz" Holland. They got married on October 11, 2008 and we are so excited to celebrate another wedding in our ministry. In case your confused, they both married with the last name Holland. So Yes, Caylan is now CAYLAN HOLLAND HOLLAND. As far as we know, they're not relate. :-) Haha no, they were not related until now that God has brought them together. These two people love God and have been seeking Him with everything inside of them for years now. We love them SO much and cant wait to see the power behind these two strong believer as one.



Don’t be Happy WHEN…Be Happy IN! It’s far too easy to be happy WHEN life’s good-everybody loves you, you love everybody…but it’s when life throws a curve ball that we are called to be set apart as believers. Anyone can be happy in the good times, but it’s the bad circumstances of life that test our faith, that test our patience, and test our ability to bounce back and move forward without being shaken. If you see yourself as one of these that say, “I’ll be Happy when…I get a boyfriend or when I can drive or when I move out," then I challenge you to be a woman who is happy IN whatever season you are in. God is a God of the NOW. When we spend most of our time making future plans or crying over past mistakes, we miss what God is doing right NOW. When Jesus died on the cross, He gave us the Holy Spirit that would always be with all that believe-it guides us and comforts us through whatever situation we are facing.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

Paul tells us to walk in this peace. It is a choice you must make everyday to get up and allow God’s peace to fill you up so when the inevitable circumstances of life hit, you will be unshakeable. Don’t worry about tomorrow; God is a God of the present and He will take care of all His precious daughters. Focus on His heart-living your life to love Him and love people, and He promises He will focus on yours.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

If You Want To Walk On Water...Get Out Of The Boat

What is something that you would attempt, if you knew you could not fail? Have you ever wanted to try something, but you were afraid? Afraid of failure? Afraid of what others will think? What are you afraid of? You can do great things for God…you can “walk on water.” You just gotta get out of the boat!

Jesus just got finish feeding the 5,000 when He sent His disciples ahead of Him to the other side of the lake. He dismissed the crowd & then He went on the mountain top to pray. Jesus made it a priority to spend alone time with His Father. Spending time with God in prayer nurtures our relationship with Him & equips us to meet life’s challenges & struggles. Jesus joined His disciples that evening. Jesus appeared to them by walking on water scarring His disciples. Peter was not putting Jesus to the test (Matthew 4:7.) Instead he was the only one in the boat to react in faith. His impulsive request led him to experience a rather unusual demonstration of God’s power. Peter began to sink only after he took his eyes of Jesus. We may not literally walk on water, but we walk thru situations. If we focus on the waves of difficult circumstances around us without looking to Jesus, we too may despair & sink. To maintain your faith when situations are difficult, keep your eyes on Jesus’ power rather than your inadequacies. Although we may start out with good intentions, sometimes our faith falters. This doesn’t mean we necessarily failed. When Peter’s faith faltered, he reached out to Christ, the only One that could help. He was afraid, but he still looked to Christ.

What am I doing that I could not do apart from the power of God? If you want to walk on water, you have to be willing to get your feet wet first. Then you discover it is worth the risk. Never try to have more faith. Instead, just get to know God better. How would you describe your faith? Walking on water isn’t about some great thing you will do. In fact, by yourself you can do nothing of lasting value. It is about what God longs to do with you by His power & grace. But first you have to get your feet wet! Remember God has great plans for you & He wants nothing but the best for your life

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Girls of all ages.....

High Fly Cheer Center
Saturday Night, October 18, 2008
Time TBA

High Fly
4623 Camp Coleman Road, Suite 109
Trussville, AL. 35173

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Make the Most of Every Season

Dressing Up.
The Weather.
Carved Pumpkins.
Lots of Candy.
Football Games.
Haunted House.
Boo at the Zoo.
Old Baker Farm in Harpersville.

In every season, Gods will for our lives is enjoy each day to its fullness. Jesus came so that we could not only have life, but have life abundantly. Hope you're loving this Fall season as much as we are. We love the holidays, and we love you!