Sunday, November 30, 2008

His Name is WONDERFUL...

Certain verses of Scripture leap to our minds as we draw close to Christmas. In the majestic titles of Jesus found in Isaiah 9:6, we find Him to be everything we need. We find Him not only the "reason for the season," but also the name that should be on our lips every day as God puts us in touch with others over the Christmas holidays.

Who doesn't need to know the Wonderful Counselor? Who doesn't need to know this One who can offer advice when they are facing a difficult situation? This One who has the answers for their marriage or family dilemmas?

Who doesn't need to know the Mighty God? You certainly know people who are dealing with a rebellious teenager, aging parent, sick child or an impossible job situation. When was the last time you told them how strong the arms of YOUR God are? Sometimes we need to be reminded of how mighty God is (Isaiah 40.)

Who doesn't need to know the Eternal Father? Who doens't need the sense of hope that come from knowing that...although we may suffer for a while...we have a God who dwells in eternity, which means that there is more to life than what we see around us?

Who doesn't need to know the Prince of Peace? In a culture of road rage, long lines & short fuses, with strained relationships & simmering discontentment, who isn't starving for deepr, more-lasting peace? Who doesn't need to know why even the most desirable possessions & experiences leave them feeling unsatisfied? Who doesn't need a peace that passes all understanding? Who doesn't need more of the Prince of Peace & His peace in their home?

This Christmas, be watching for people in need to know Jesus for who He is. Pray for more opportunities to share Christ's love with others while Christmas has them more open than usual.

Friday, November 28, 2008

We Love Christmas!

Christmas Lights
Zoo Light Safari
Christmas Movies and Decorating
Christmas Wedding
Christmas Dinner with the Lovelady Center

We LOVE Christmas! Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas music, cold weather, fireplaces, shopping, Christmas parties, food, Christmas PJ's, family, friends, gifts, etc...everything about this time of year is so exciting. Our challenge for you this season is to somehow be a blessing to someone besides yourself. That is what most of us need....a redirected focus off of ourselves. It so easy to get caught up in making sure we get everything off that list. Lets trash the list of things we want, and ask God to give us a want to bless someone else. Are wanting and getting things bad? Absolutely not! But when you focus on others, you receive so much more than the things you could ever ask for. Try it this year, and watch how God pour blessings to the point of true satisfaction.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tuesday Night

Cathedral of the Cross

Come As You Are

Designers or rags, make-up or not, thin or overweight, short or tall, lost or found; hallelujah God has called us to come to Him just as we are. If we waited till we "had it all together" to sit as His feet, we'd exhaust ourselves right into the hand of the enemy. Isaiah 64 says that our righteousness is a rag at the feet of Jesus. Therefore, our very best is nothing to Him. Don't be confused..He is extremely proud of us! But a lot of times, we wear ourselves flat out by trying to please Jesus with our actions. He wants our hearts. He wasn't just tickling our feathers when he mentions in 1 Samuel 16 that men make look at our outward appearance, whether its the physical appearance of our actions or the way we look; but God looks at our hearts. Rest in knowing that He loves our filth. Lets quit trying to "get everything right" and ask God to do a work in our hearts this week....the treasure of our hearts produce good (Matthew 6:45).

Happy Monday!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bible Study

Bible Study Tomorrow Night
Clayridge Baptist Church
Beth Moore
Loving Well

Life is a Gift

Hope this simple fact brings you a weekend full of gratitude and blessings!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday Night

Cathedral of the Cross

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Substance of Joy

Have you ever noticed the amazement that balloons bring to small children? Whether walking into the grocery store, restaurant, fair or carnival; kids eyes become as big as Texas when a balloon is in their sight. Something so simple and so small brings so much joy to a child's life. As adults, we dread the minute that latex "treasure" pops, shrivels up, or released into the air; because in that instant the child's joy is COMPLETELY gone. We've all seen it. They kick, scream, and pitch a fit because their satisfaction and contentment is taken away quicker than we can blink one of our eyes. We almost second guess giving them that balloon from the beginning, because we know the instant its gone they are miserable.

I believe that God is sitting on his throne thinking the same thing. We allow the simple and small things to bring us so much joy as well. Clothes, jobs, spouses, family members, ministry, money, etc.; and He is dreading the day that those things are taken away from us. We trust in those things to bring us joy, and the minute they are gone we react in our way the same way children do. Scripture tells us that the things of this world will rot away. God gives and He takes away. Therefore, lets strive in placing our complete joy in Him....the one and only thing that we'll never have dread popping or coasting into the sky. Think about the things that bring you joy and picture what your reaction would be if those things were taken from you. Let God be your joy today!

Dont Forget

Trussville or Huffman/Roebuck
Yes, tomorrow Wednesday, November 19 eat lots of chicken from CHICK-FIL-A for breakfast, lunch, and dinner...maybe dessert. When you order your food make sure you tell them that you are with the Basement. At the end of the day, some of the procedes that is accumulated tomorrow will be donated to the ministry. Thank you Basement family for all of your hard work and support.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Instead of meeting here tonight......

We'll be listening to this guy....Jesse DuplantisCome join us tonight Sunday, November 16 at Cathedral of the Cross.

Meet us in the lobby at 5:30PM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What is Worship?

When worship comes to our minds, most of us automatically start thinking of a certain song or a certain Christian artist or band that we enjoy listening to. We assume we have to be lifting our hands or falling to our knees. Worship is not about a church setting or a minister. Worship is simply "a response to what we value most." Worship is what we do. Not just a Sunday morning thing or Tuesday night thing, but we worship all day everyday. There is something in each of our lives that either consumes our time or invades our mind everyday. Worship to you might look this....

Shopping/ Things

Whatever is worth most to you is what you worship. Worship fuels our actions and becomes the driving force of what we do. Everybody on this Earth worships. Since we were made by God and for God, our souls were designed to crave and adore something. That something was meant to be God and his glory. Instead, we easily fall into the trap of letting something else fill the spot that was meant for God to consume. We believe these things have everything we need....satisfaction, love, identity, etc. Over the weekend, lets allow God reveal to us what it is in our life that might be labeled as an "idol." We all have them. Ask yourself, is there

Anything I put before God?

Anything I want with all my heart?

Anything I cant stop thinking about?

Anything I give all my love to?

If you found something to answer either of these of questions, God longs for you to drop it at HIS altar. Don't find yourself any longer bowing to the throne of these things that have been taking over your life. There is one altar and one throne that was create for us! This altar actually has something to give us. The throne of grace has it all and gives it all if empty out everything else and let it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Waiting on "the one"....

To trust means to have confidence; hope… Things work out if one only trusts. I love this description of trust because it opened my eyes to the power of fully trusting in God’s perfect plan. As a single girl, one of the most difficult tasks is to trust that God is preparing that Mr. Right without any help from us. Having the opportunity to speak with high school girls, I’ve found that most fall into the trap of trying to make things happen.

We’ve all done it; you see that cute guy down the hall and you have no reason to be down there and you’ll probably be late for class, but you push through the crowd and position yourself at just the right timing so he can see your outfit when he walks by. I’m smiling because we do it all the time. The problem is that women were created to be the beauty of the Lord and even at times when you don’t feel beautiful, you are, and you can make things happen. Any one of us, at any time, can give up this exhausting search for “the one” and find a pretty good guy and end up another divorce statistic. These couples end up spending all their energy focusing on saving a dying marriage instead of being a team who spends their time on the kingdom-the whole purpose of marriage. When we rush, when we settle, we miss out on God’s perfect plan, and in my opinion, to be genuinely loved is something that most women never experience in their lifetime; even in marriage, I believe most never experience the fullness of love.

I challenge you to really trust; stop and think about this sentence…Things work out if one only trusts...Realize the power having complete dependence on God in this area of your life will bring. When you stop trying to make things happen, you take the focus off yourself and put the focus on the heart of the father, allowing Him alone to make things happen. Stay focused on His heart, guard your heart with ALL diligence (that takes effort), and God promises He will add all these things unto you. Love will find you, but we must first love God with all our hearts and love ourselves, just as we are because that is who “the one” will be looking for.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mark YOUR Calendars

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Eat a Chick-Fil-A for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and tell the cashier at the register that you are with the Basement. At the end of the day, some of the portion that is made will go to the Basement to help fund what God is doing in our ministry. Tell all your family and friends.....we know everyone likes them some much some of us will be there for all three meals :-). Come out and see us!

Monday, November 10, 2008

You May Know Me As....

the enemy....Disguised in PRIDE
I am a cheater.
I cheat you of your God-given destiny...because you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment...because you
"deserve better than this."
I cheat you of knowledge...because you already know it all.
I cheat you of healing...because you're too
full of me to forgive.
I cheat you of holiness...because you refuse to
admit when you're wrong.
I cheat you of vision...because you'd rather look
in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship...because nobodys
going to know the real you.
I cheat you of love...because real romance
demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in Heaven...because you refuse
to wash another's feet on earth.
I cheat you of God's glory...because I convince
you to seek your own.
My name is Satan, better revealed as pride.
I am a cheater.
You like me because you think I'm always looking out for you.
I'm looking to make a fool of you.
God has SO much for you, I admit, but don't worry...
If you stick with me
You'll never know.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Not Much Of A Man...

There was a truck driver named *Derek. Each week he hauled goods from Cincinnati to Atlanta. Joe's Diner was his favorite eating spot on the route. Derek always stopped for meals at Joe's. One afternoon, Derek parked his truck & walked into the diner. Sitting down in his favorite seat, he ordered the meatloaf sandwich, mashed potatoes & iced tea. In a distance came a roar & a cloud of dust, followed by the arrival into the parking lot of 12 members of a motorcycle gang, riding Harley-Davidsons. The gang parked next to Derek's 18-wheeler. As the gang stomped into the diner, the leader of the gang immediately spotted Derek. The gang started to make fun of him, harass him & taunt at him. Derek didn't do anything. He finished his lunch, got up, paid for his food & left. The leader of the gang laughed & said to Derek, "What a wimp! That guy sure ain't much of a man!" Joe, looking out the window of the diner & said, "No & he ain't much of a driver either...he just ran over 12 Harleys!"

When Jesus came as the Messiah, He wasn't at all what people expected. Many looked at Jesus & said, "What a sissy! He sure ain't much of a man! What kind of a Messiah is this?" Jesus never said a word, though. He took all the abuse that the world could throw at Him. He was ridiculed, humiliated, spat upon, whipped, crowned with thorns & hung on a cruel cross. Satan did everything he could to destroy Jesus & to make Him the laughingstock of the world. Jesus never opened His mouth. He willingly accepted it because He knew that in the end Satan would be defeated. Satan & all of his demons would ultimately be crushed under the foot of the Savior. And of course, that's exactly what happened on Calvary. What a Man!

Friday, November 7, 2008

No Need to Worry

ALL things work out for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)

Click on My Upmost for His Highest for a deeper look
(the link to the right underneath "Ministry Websites")

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Vote Goes To...

The Peacock!
Sorry Flintstones and Rubbles, but this has to be the number one Halloween costume of 2008. No worries, y'all fall a very close second : ) But is this not the most precious thing you've ever seen? I think you'd have to agree. We know Halloween is a good week over, but we had to share this adorable picture with all of you....especially since some of you are quite obsessed with peacocks. Thought you'd enjoy.

Hope this precious child finds you smiling in whatever you're doing.

And yes, Flintstone crew y'all were just as precious! And if we were having a "contest," we'd have to call a tie. Love you all so much! Enjoy your Friday!

Another Bride-to-Be

Congratulations Kimbo and Heath!
Our beloved, Kimberly Smith is engaged! She is one of our original "Basmentees." She has been here since the VERY beginning when the Basement was still meeting in the bottom of Matt's house. She is a HUGE blessings to all of us who have the priviledge of serving together with her through this ministry. Kimbo has pour much of her time and heart into all of our lives and into the many of lives that have walked through the door at the Basement every Tuesday night. Kimbo, you are so beautiful and we love so much! We thank God for you and for allowing us the honor to know you and learn so much from you. Congratulations! We cant wait to share this special day with you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The Garden was a place of rest. Work. Yes. Kinda. Keeping and cultivating and loving and enjoying paradise was life. It is mind-boggling how those two people, in perfect paradise, with perfect freedom, knowing perfect provision, enjoying a shame-less, guilt-less, sin-less life with God and each other --- would have chosen sin. But, they did. No doubt.
The Garden is gone. Or at least inaccessible to man.

Now, cities are filled with shame, guilt, and sin. Cities around the world are epicenters of invented gods and counterfeit glory. Now, people go to cities to find themselves, make a life for themselves, forge an identity for themselves, make a name for themselves, on a quest to satisfy themselves.

Interestingly, one can observe this phenomenon at work: the larger the city - the less eye contact. Walk down the street of small town America and people look you in the eye. Walk down a dirt road in Mexico - and everyone is looking at you. Hop on the subway in NYC, and you will be hard-pressed for eye-contact. Something about being around a lot of people, actually makes people appear less interested in other people.

Yet -- as image-bearers of our God -- We need to place value on the image we bear.

Hello. We are made in the image of God. So, all the more, as the redeemed sons and daughters, beloved ones, forgiven ones, purchased ones, grace-changed ones -- as we fix our eyes on the Author and Perfecter of our faith - can we look people in the eyes in the hope they will see "the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Cor 4:6b)
Image bearers. Eyes reflect. Eyes receive.
What do people see when they see your eyes?
What do you see in the eyes of the redeemed?
What do you see in the eyes of those still searching?

He Reigns

Today and Forever!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby Fever

Baby fever is in the air! We've had three baby boys born in the past month and a half within the ministry and one more is on the way. We are thrilled about being able to watch these little ones grow and mature into little young men.
Our newest arrival is.........
Vaylen Jax McClain
He is beautiful and healthy. Congratulations Shawn, Joy, and big brother Ridge! We love yall.

Get on Your Knees

Elections 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Love of a Father

This is a small glimpse of the love our Heavenly Father has towards his children. Just like this precious child who had serious complications and serious needs; the love, the affection, and the nurturing attention from both of his parents never failed him. God's love will never fail us. It does not matter what our complications or our needs are or how serious they might be, His love is unconditional. Nothing will stop our Father from loving us and using us for His glory. Just like Elliot depended on his parents for EVERYTHING, God has called us to depend on Him. Without the love of his parents, Eliot probably would not have lived to see "day 99." Receive as much of God's love as possible today, and you too may see a longer life filled with everything you need.

He is proud of you.

He wants to use you.

His love knows NO BOUNDS.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Seven Deadly Sins
(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Greed, and Jealousy)
Betty Rubble, a Fairy, and a Butterfly
A Thug and a 20's Girl
A Hippie and Someone you can "count" on
The Flintstones and the Rubbles
Costume Winners
From butterflies to the entire cast from the Flintstones, we saw just about every creature and character roaming around the home of the Williams. Thank you, Williams' family for opening up your house and putting so much time and effort in making your house look as festive as possible. From fog machines and strobe lights to great food and fellowship, a Halloween party could not have gotten any better than that. Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.