Thursday, September 18, 2008

Love each other...

*LOVE* each other....
We are called to not only love but to LIKE each other! This may seem impossible, but life really will become much easier when we allow girls to be our allies and not our enemies. Without saying one word, we can scan a room & know what crowd we fit into. Why is that? It’s our nature to be competitive & evaluate each other mostly on external things. But God calls us to a much deeper level of intimacy. All our differences are really just opportunities for God to minister. Our different styles & personalities are uniquely designed so that we can “be all things to all men.” If the enemy keeps our minds focused on our differences we’ll miss the one HUGE detail we all have in common as believers and that’s JESUS! We all live for ONE man & we don't have to compete with each other for his attention-it's all yours! If our eyes our fixed on Him, we as women will begin to understand that the most effective way to follow after His heart is to work together. The first word describing a woman’s purpose is “helpmeet” which literally means “support” so it’s no wonder that the enemy wants more than anything to tear us apart. It’s amazing that the very thing your flesh cringes to do is the very thing that will satisfy you! I know personally that the women in this ministry are truly one of a kind. For once you feel like someone is on your team and has a genuine heart to see you succeed. Wherever you are on your walk, whether you’re well on your way or you’ve yet to begin, we desire to stand by you & cheer you on! We’re all in this race together & we all wish to see more and more join the race that God’s called them to run.

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