Saturday night we headed out to downtown to a club in Birmingham to hang out, worship, and meet new people. Yes, a club. A club that consisted of Jesus! We, as a ministry and followers of Christ, are extremely aware of what we are up against in reaching this generation. If kids or young adults are not in church, then most likely; they're spending most of their time on the weekends in the clubs and bars. If not in the club scene, then they're probably searching for something to do on the weekends. Our goal and desire is provide an atmosphere similar to one that "appeals" to these kids to give them somewhere to hang out at on the weekends. The day is coming where Jesus and worship music is going to be the cool way to "club," and we're here do something about it. Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us this weekend. We had a ball fellowshippig, eating, and worshipping with you.
Keep in touch for the next date for
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