Friday, January 16, 2009

Glimpse of True Compassion

"Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out His hand and touched Him."

Mark 1:41

Tuesday night at the Basement a precious little boy around the age of five years old changed the hearts of just about everyone who had the privilege of encountering him. This little boy had some physical challenges, but the innocence of his heart and the pureness of his spirit drew people to the heart of Jesus. Jesus had a heart for the sick and the hurting. And He spent most of his ministry ministering and healing people who were suffering in pain.

One of our leadership girls, along with many others saw the little boy in the lobby after the Basement. Their hearts immediately boiled with compassion and love. The eyes of this little boy brought the girls to their knees in order to wrap their arms around him and begin to pray for him. The same power that brought Jesus from the dead is alive and active in us. Therefore, their spirits were longing to see this child healed. Regardless the way God decides to show His faithfulness to us through this, lives have all ready been changed and greatly effected from one small moment with one small child.

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