Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Sunday!

"Hurry kills everything from compassion to creativity"
-Mark Batterson
Slow Down!
Enjoy the Sabbath

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Keepin' It Simple

Has it occurred to you that the older you get, the more complicated life seems to become? Dealing with everyday people, providing for a family, making it through school, dealing with tough decisions, our faith, etc. Life is tough. God never promised us an easy life. As a matter of fact, we are called as believers to share in His suffering, which is tough, and that He WILL discipline those He loves,which is not always fun. However, we are His children and we are to never loose sight that He is our Father. When you think of the life of a child, nothing but simplicity makes up their pleasant, carefree life. Children depend on their caregiver for life and direction. They never loose sight of their relationship in regards to their parents. They view/receive their mom as their mom and their dad as their dad. In Mark, Jesus tells us that unless we receive the Kingdom of God like a child, we will not enter it. How many times do we battle the voice of God? How often do we refuse to move because we fear of missing of God and making a wrong decision? Children know their Father's voice, however, we tend to complicate it more than we tend to listen and move.

Its as simple as this:
A friend of mine was putting her 7 year old daughter to bed. They had been reading books, singing songs, talking about their day, saying their prayers, etc. Just when my friend thought her little girl had dozed off, she rolled her little self over, and as confident as this 7yr could be, she informed her mom that her illness was gone. My friend had been sick with a curable, yet difficult chronic disease that she had been suffering from for almost a 2 years now. The little girl's mom was shocked and speechless to the unrelated comment from her daughter.
Mom: "Where did that come from?"
Daughter: "God just told me."
Mom: "How do you know God told you that?"
Daughter: "Well mom, when you hear God talking to you, it kinda sounds like your voice but its not you. That's how you know is God telling you things, and I just heard Him tell me that."

Its that simple!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

slow down...

This poem was written by a terminally ill girl given only 6 months to live. Her doctor found this poem & was so touched he passed it on...

Slow Dance
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head?
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child, we'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste, not seen his sorrow?
Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die cause you never had time to call and say, "Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music before the song is over.

At times we all get going too fast. It is the little things in life that make life beautiful. Slow down today, pray, and ask God to show you areas that you've been neglecting that really need your time.

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity..." Ephesians 5:15-16

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows-this is GOD, whose dwelling is Holy!"
Psalms 68:5
John 8:41 says that God is a our TRUE Father! Some of us have loving, encouraging Fathers that have an active part of our lives, others have either experienced the physical loss of your Father, or your Father is emotionally absent from your life; reguardless of your situation, God is YOUR Father. You're earthly father will disappointment you, frustrate you, leave you, fall short of your expectations, etc. But God wont. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Celebrate EVERYDAY as you trust Him to be your Father.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Loving the "Unlovable" Part 2

Do you look at things in life as a coincidence? As some things could and maybe a coincidence, know this, we don't serve a God who operates by coincidence. We serve a providential God who has a particular plan, purpose, and destiny for each of our lives. Hes a detailed God that doesn't just throw the complete, finalized picture of life in our face. Instead, He takes us on a journey, an adventure, teaching, molding, working, filtering, and giving us detail by detail of His plan so that we may be equipped and prepared for His end result. He does this in so many ways and it looks completely different from person to person, but one way we can all relate to is the people He uses to get us where we're going. We have those people in our lives who provide rich, valid encouragement and love that allow us to press on. Then, we have those people that we would really rather do life without. Well, whether you want to hear it or not, its THOSE people that really get us push us and help mold us into who God desires. Trials, test, and overcoming temptation sharpen our character. Therefore, those difficult people that you are tempted NOT to love play a vital part in God's purpose for you.

So instead of praying that God would remove these people out of your life so your days go a little smoother, start pray a little harder for the love, joy, patience, kindness, self-control, etc. The fruits of the Spirit have to be developed. And the way God allows us to develop these fruits is by exercising them in the times that seem the hardest. We often get the mindset that these trial/test better known as "unlovable people" get in our way, causing a road block in life. Really, if we'd grab a hold of the fact that loving them is what pushes us forward; our character will be sharpened to a point where God can FINALLY trust us with what He has instore.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Loving the "Unlovable"

Are there particular people in your life or people that you frequently come in contact with that are just down-right impossible to love? If you sat and thought for a couple minutes, it would be guaranteed to say that everyone has at least one person if not two, three, or four unlovable human beings that you have to deal with on a daily or weekly basis. No matter how hard you may try these people seem to make it impossible to love. If one of God's greatest commandments is to love one another, why does seem it so unattainable at times?

All throughout scripture, we are instructed to not just love our neighbor; but to love them as ourselves. Therefore, if we aren't satisfied with ourselves, it is going to be IMPOSSIBLE to be satisfied with others. So many times we point and shake those fingers at "them" when the impossible begins with us. Dissatisfaction robs us of our security in the position Gods call for us to operate in. When we're dissatisfied, we often want the people around us to be discontent as well. So maybe instead of praying for the "unloveable" to change or to become easier to love; we may need to start asking God to fill us with more of His love so that we grow to love ourselves.

We give love in the amount we receive love.

How much love are you receiving today?
How much love are you giving today?

*if we're suppose to love people like we love must start with you loving yourself*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Its Tuesday

Cathedral of the Cross
Birmingham, AL
Watch Live:

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sometimes is extremely overwhelming walking into a bookstore to look for a good book that's worth the time and provides enough motivation to actually finish it front to back. If you are in a season where you want to be fed and challenged, this book is amazing and is filled with more meat than you can chew on. Its pretty safe to say that all of us feed off of adventure and are in search of how to get to that place in life we're so extremely passionate about. Open the cover of this book and it will definitely knock you off your feet to get your re-end moving toward those God-ordained passions Hes trying to birth inside of you.

Wild Goose Chase
Isn't new worship music kind of exciting? Sometimes listening to same songs over and over again can become a little mundane. It shouldn't....especially worship music, but we can all be honest and admit that a couple new songs to throw in the midst of our playlist can add such a perk to our time in worship. Well, if youre in need of some new tunes, here two great artist with new material. If you have the opportunity, pay your $.99 on itunes or log into their myspace pages.

Kari Jobe

United Pursuit Band

Its About That Time

Some of us girls have the privilege of sharing in one of the most exciting seasons most girls will experience in their life time. This time next week, Kimbo will go from a Miss to a Mrs, a Smith to a Frank; and even more overwhelming than that......she'll be a tad bit closer to experiencing a deeper glimpse of Christ's love for His people. We are so thankful for Kimberly's life and not only would this ministry not be the same, but some of our individuals lives wouldn't be either. She has poured and poured into so many of us and the fruit we have today, we thank God for using her to bring so much of us to the surface.
This life is a beautiful testimony of Jesus at work through Kimberly's life. Kimberly met Rebeca, saw God's pursuit and favor on Beca's life, and decided to selflessly and sacrificially join in on the purpose God destined for her. She disciplined her, loved her unconditionally, and purely allowed Jesus to be seen through her. Beca along with so many other lives will never be the same because of her.

Kimbo, Jesus is so attracted in you. We pray that you and Heath will be more powerful as a team and more people will have the privilege of coming to know Jesus personally because of your passion and commitment to Him. We love you so much!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Too Early?

Some of you are probably thinking that it is WAY too early to be advertising for Christmas. You're is only June, however, we would hate for you to miss out on this "spectacular" show. It is by far the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. Sorry Barnum and Bailey, the Rockettes cant compare and really stand in a category of their own. If you live in the Birmingham or surrounding area and happen to have a chunk of change lying around, you wont regret spending it on these tickets. Its not only worth every penny, BUT if Christmas alone doesnt make your heart leap, this show is guaranteed to help any scrooges out there.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Get Up and Move!

Do you look this at the end of your day.....?
.......or maybe this is how you begin your Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday mornings? Bored with work, house chores, dealing with kids, serving your church, etc. Most of us let the routine of our daily life steel the joy that God so desperately wants us to have. He never intended for the constant thing in life to become routine. But as Christians we not only become bored with life, but we tend to get bored with God. God is constant, and like some of our schedules, He never changes. But as we run through the basics of life, we eventually start muling through the motions in our relationship with God. Everything becomes too routine, too constant, and too boring. John 10:10 reminds us that Jesus came so that we could have life ABUNDANTLY. When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit to come live inside of us to leads us and guides us in our every day life. The last place the Holy Spirit will lead us is to a place a boredom, routine, and dull life living. When we begin stepping out of routine, walking in faith (by making a move and making decisions), and chasing after the Holy Spirit, we will begin gaining adventure which will take us places we've never been, meeting people we'd never meet, and doing things we viewed as the impossible.

We as Christian make the mistake of asking the Holy Spirit to move? Don't you hear that a lot? That is an awesome request to ask for, however, the most of the time the Holy Spirit is already moving, He is waiting and inviting us to move with Him. Step out in faith by chasing after the Him, and watch your monotonous way of living turn into a adventure that will keep you on your toes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Basement Tonight @ 6:30 PM

Cathedral of the Cross
Centerpoint Parkway

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whosoever Ministries
The Basement is proud to present to you......
Basement 360 Site Launch!!!

The Basement 360 is our very own reality show! Check out the website at

Spread the news!! Let's continue to get the word out there about what God is doing in Birmingham, Alabama!!

The Basement
Whosoever Ministries

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Hillsong Review

Packed sanctuary! Tickets were completely sold out.
KK and Karla with the band members in the green room.
Matt with lead singers, Joel and JD.
Merchandise workers.
Security praying before the service.
Heather with lead singer, Jill.
Justin, Bird, and Ike enjoying the concert.
Part of the Whosoever Women Team.

Monday Message

There is not a single Christian who hasn't stressed over figuring out God's will for their life. God's will was never designed to be figured out. We paralyze the Holy Spirit's power when we attempt to analyze His will and plan for our lives. Take Him out of the cage, let Him dance, and join Him for the adventure!