Monday, September 29, 2008

The People God Uses

Have you wondered if God could ever use you? Do you think that you’ve messed up one to many times? But God can & will use you. His Word says so…

…think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world & despised things - & the things that are not – to nullify the things that are… - 1 Corinthians 1:26-28.

God isn’t going to look a person over for medals, diplomas, or awards…but scars. God isn’t interested in your ability inasmuch as your availability. Just look at some of the people Jesus picked. Take a look at some of His disciples, one denied Him (Matthew 26:69-75), another betrayed Him (Matthew 26:47-56.) He used Saul who persecuted Christians (Acts 9:15.) An outcast led her town to Him (John 4:39.) A man who ran away from God, He received a second chance (Jonah 3:1.) He used a prophet who was shy (Jeremiah 1:6.) The man after God’s on heart sinned, yet after he repented God still used him (2 Samuel 11.) The Bible is proof that it’s filled with imperfect people. God doesn’t use “perfect” people because no one could relate to them. God uses people just like me & you. Don’t ever let the devil trick you into thinking that God could never use you. He wants to use you. You are beautiful & you have a story to tell others. God can & wants to use you…if you’re willing…

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fabulously Frugalicious!!!

Hey girls!! We just wanted to highlight one of our precious women of God!! Trina is a ministry mama of two adorable kiddos, Rayna and Xander, and she's happily married to a wonderful husband...he's a big deal!! She's been blogging since January of this year, and her specialty is cooking, coupons, and crafts. If you'd like to visit her blog, we've added the link in the sidebar or you could click here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sunday Night Bible Study

Clay Ridge Baptist Church 5PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Walk To Remember

Life is like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. We were created to serve God, serve others & keep ourselves in the background. Remember it’s about Him…not us. American President Woodrow Wilson once pointed out that “a man’s rootage is more important than his leafage.” What others see are the leaves, the outside. What they can’t see is the roots, the values & principles that ground a person. Character is grown from a good system of roots…people of character live from the inside out. Their convictions guide their actions. Their principles govern their lives. People of character have both the strength & grace to give their best to the world. To their enemy, they give forgiveness. To an outsider, understanding. To a friend, their heart. To their children, a good example. To their mates, faithfulness. To their parents, respect. To themselves, gentleness. To all people, kindness. Strong roots produce a strong character. And a strong character is needed to give one’s best to life. When the tree’s roots are well tended, the leaves will be full & healthy.

Everyone has a birth date & a time of death, but it’s the “dash” that separates the two that counts. For that dash represents all the time we spend on this earth. It doesn’t matter how much we own: the cars, the houses, the cash, etc… What matters is how we live & love & how we spend our dash. So, when your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions for the world to know…would you be pleased with the things they say about how you spent your dash? The way you live your life is the picture you portray of Jesus. Are you leading others to the Cross? Will people find you faithful? What will make your walk “a walk to remember?”

Happy Fall!

Its officially FALL as of Tuesday!
Happy Fall!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Believe and Receive

Mighty to Save

Lets believe God today for faith that will move mountains. Faith the size of a mustard seed is big enough to move any mountain that is keeping us from experiencing the fullness of life. No matter what your situation is or how big your mountain may seem, He will ALWAYS prove himself to be faithful! Just believe.

Life of Ruth Graham

What a hero! We pray that the Lord will stir up a passion big enough for him, that you would receive a devotion and dedication similar to Ruth Grahams. Her lifestyle is definitely one worth striving for. No matter how long her husband was gone or how much she had to balance while single-handily raising five kids, He was her EVERYTHING! And she gave Him her everything.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What a Great Group of Girls

Sunday Night Bible Study

Bible study girls!! We love each of you so much and are so excited each week to study God's word with you. We hope and pray that you leave refreshed and stirred up with a new desire to live a life of purity that is set apart from the world. We hope yall have an awesome week. Remember Satan hates you and he is so jealous of Jesus for having your heart. No matter how hard he tries, do let him sneak in. Love you all and see you next week!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just Wanted To Say

War Eagle!


We hope everyone is enjoying their game day Saturday!

*Reminder: tomorrow night Bible Study at Clay Ridge Baptist Church at 5PM. We have a guest speaker joining us at 4PM to talk about purity and the value of sex when married. Bring a friend and enjoy our guest speaker from 4:00-5:-00 and the Bible Study from 5:00-6:00. Love yall.

Be Still and Know....

Bradley Pierce Graydon

Cash Wayne Standridge

We'd like to introduce to you some of our future leaders of Whosoever Ministries.....believe it or not, these little guys have SO much to teach us all ready. Watching these precious ones relax and rest in their nurturer's (mother's) arms, reminds us of how God desires for us to rest in Him. We go through life trying to do things on our own, leaving ourselves exhausted and burnt out. But just like a mother rocks her child to sleep, God longs to hold us in His arms; so that we can peacefully rest and depend totally on Him to nuture us in our every need. Curl up in His arms this morning and become limp. REST! He is in control of everything. Trust Him for today, and let tomorrow worry about itself. Be still and let God be God. Thank you, Joy and Jason Standridge for blessing us with your precious Cash. And thank you, Kasey and Sunnie Leigh Graydon for blessing us with Baby Pierce. Cant wait to see God's plan unfold for each of them.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Love each other...

*LOVE* each other....
We are called to not only love but to LIKE each other! This may seem impossible, but life really will become much easier when we allow girls to be our allies and not our enemies. Without saying one word, we can scan a room & know what crowd we fit into. Why is that? It’s our nature to be competitive & evaluate each other mostly on external things. But God calls us to a much deeper level of intimacy. All our differences are really just opportunities for God to minister. Our different styles & personalities are uniquely designed so that we can “be all things to all men.” If the enemy keeps our minds focused on our differences we’ll miss the one HUGE detail we all have in common as believers and that’s JESUS! We all live for ONE man & we don't have to compete with each other for his attention-it's all yours! If our eyes our fixed on Him, we as women will begin to understand that the most effective way to follow after His heart is to work together. The first word describing a woman’s purpose is “helpmeet” which literally means “support” so it’s no wonder that the enemy wants more than anything to tear us apart. It’s amazing that the very thing your flesh cringes to do is the very thing that will satisfy you! I know personally that the women in this ministry are truly one of a kind. For once you feel like someone is on your team and has a genuine heart to see you succeed. Wherever you are on your walk, whether you’re well on your way or you’ve yet to begin, we desire to stand by you & cheer you on! We’re all in this race together & we all wish to see more and more join the race that God’s called them to run.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nursery Help

Come Play With Us on TUESDAY NIGHTS!
Hey Ladies! If you're interested in serving on Tuesday nights at the Basement, we desperately need your help in watching these precious little ones and many others in the nursery.

If you're interested email us

Monday, September 15, 2008



A couple weekends ago we did a conference for our beautiful middle school girls. First Baptist Trussville was so generous in letting us use their building to pile a bunch of middle school girls and college girls together to have fun and "be girls" for an afternoon. We had about 60 girls register, and we enjoyed every single on of them. From learning how to do our make-up and hair to worshipping with Rachel Mann. We had a blast with you. We love each of you, and we want you to know how beautiful you are to not only us, but to God. He is so in love with you and cant wait to walk through every ounce of life with you. Remember, now is the time you can set those standards to a level that will draw people to you. Every 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grader are looking for love. You have it, and people are gonna want it. So live a life that is worth sharing that love with those looking for it. Point them in YOUR direction. Enjoy the slide show! 

Take a Breath

"......when I am weak, I am strong..." 2 Corinthians 12:9-12.

Believe it or not, we are just like Paul. A lot of times when we feel weak and bogged down with so much baggage we can barely put one foot in front of the other, we believe ourselves to be worthless and ineffective. But God says to us in 2 Corinthians that when WE are WEAK, HE is STRONG. Its so awesome to think that in our weakest point of life, we are the strongest! What a relief! Our weakness demands us to become depend on God. When we become fully dependent on God, we begin doing things that we'd never be able to do on our own. Why would we want to trust in our strength? God's weakest link, if there is such, is our strongest. Be encourage today that whatever you are walking around with, insecurities-fear- frustration-relationship issue-sin that you don't feel like you'll ever get out of, those weakness can be turned into your strengths. Tell the Lord how much you need Him today. He desires for us to be totally dependent of Him, because He knows the strength and power He possesses. And He longs to share that with us.

He loves you so much. Don't ever be ashamed of the baggage or weaknesses in your life. There aren't many people who can relate to perfect, bag less people. Therefore, God takes the weakest of us to relate to those who need are weaknesses as a of hope to be made strong. Take a breath and boast in your weakness, because of the strength of you will gain!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jeweled Girls!!!

We're Confused and need help.....
We are trying SOOO hard to put up all these great pictures from the conference. We have been working all week on putting together a slideshow with music and to successfully upload it to the website. As easy as it sounds, its not....for us girls who are computer illiterate. We really have no clue what we're doing. We are trying though, and hope to have something up for all of you to look at as soon as possible. Bare with us. We love you and cant wait till we get to see your beautiful faces again!

PS. If anyone can help us out with this issue, please let us know.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Study Tonight!

Bible Study tonight @ Clay Ridge Baptist Church

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Beth Moore Bible Study
'Loving Well'
For Mothers of all Ages
Begins Thursday, September 11, 2008
4 Week Study
Pinson United Methodist: Asbury Center
*Bring lunch for fellowship*
Call Gail Hodge for any questions:
(205) 218-4117

Friday, September 5, 2008


Middle School Girls Conference
Tomorrow, Saturday, 10am-3pm
More Details Below

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Be Apart

Beth Moore Conference in Atlanta

Daniel Bashta Band

Breakfast with Bill and Von Jenkins

In the Studio with WDJC

Beth Moore Conference in Louisville, KY.

White Water Rafting in the Ocoee

Basement @ City Stages 2008

Worth Dying For from California

Basement @ WinterJam 08

Dinner with Ladies of Mountain Top Community

A Queen For Day Gulf Port, Mississippi

A Queen For A Day with Tina Earnshaw
(Hollywood/Celebrity make-up artist)

Our desire for this website is to provide an easier access for women and girls of all ages to know more about the many opportunities offered to get plugged in and become apart of something much bigger than we can comprehend. With the numbers at the Basement constantly increasing, it become harder and harder to reach every face that walks through the door on a Tuesday night. If we cant find you, we want you to find us. God has such a special calling on each of your lives, and our desire is to either walk through the journey with you or to be a vessel to get you where God might be taking you. We love all of you so much and want so badly to be apart of the special plan God has for your life.